Madshus is serious about sustainability

April 19, 2023
Earth Day was celebrated all over the world on Saturday, April 22. At Madshus, we celebrate Earth Day every day!

The theme for Earth Day 2023 was “Invest in Our Planet.” For Madshus, this is a natural part of our operations: we are always looking for innovative and efficient ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Specifically, at the Madshus factory in Biri, Norway, we use only certified green-labeled energy from renewable sources (solar, wind and hydropower).

Consciously conserving energy at our facilities and in every step of the production is an important part of our operation: selecting sustainable raw materials, eliminating polluting chemicals through our targeted chemical management system, reducing packaging and cutting waste are a few of the most important actions we take every day to help keep the planet clean and our winters white. Additionally, we only use fluorocarbon free bases for all of our skis. Speaking of skis, Madshus is currently working on setting up a large-scale program for recycling skis after their lifetime.

Another very important part of our environmental policy comes from the Elevate Outdoor Collective, our mother company. By being a member of a collective of outdoor brands including K2, BCA, Atlas & Tubbs to name a few, Madshus is able to profit from the shared knowledge of a globally designed sustainable plan. In short, whoever comes up with good ideas to increase sustainability, immediately makes it available for other brands to evaluate and implement wherever possible.

Here is a short summary of the sustainable goals we have already achieved at the Madshus factory in Biri, Norway:

• Electricity - Only certified Green power from renewable sources like water, wind and solar.

• Energy - Heat recycling of exhausted air and remote heating.

• Waste sorting system to ensure recycling of everything possible to recycle.

• Chemical management system.

• Reduce packaging materials and make the remaining environmental friendly.

• Location - Close to the largest cross country markets which significantly reduces freight pollution.

• Cars - All internal sales representatives changed to electric cars.

• Product - All ski bases are fluorocarbon free.

It is not just about the environment. At Madshus we want to approach this issue in an holistic way and that includes taking good care of the very people that make up our company. Firstly, we have employed locals living in the area since 1906, and this promotes and contributes to the local community. We have a zero tolerance policy on discrimination and everyone is welcome at Madshus where we all have the same possibilities. In Norway we also have a health system that closely follows our workers, and we cooperate with the health department in order to monitor and perform actions to keep absence low and help people before problems arise. Therefore all risks analysis are updated annually to identify changed risks and potential health issues. Tailoring of work hours and tasks to keep seniors employed longer is also part of our main policy.

So what are you waiting for? Just move to Norway and come work with us... or maybe you can also play your part in changing the world by doing something else. This Earth Day, and every other day, pick one habit you would like to change or a cause you would like to support. Get involved and join us in supporting the planet!